Chris G. Sibley
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Chris Sibley is a Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland. Chris grew up in Lower Hutt, and completed his PhD at Victoria University of Wellington in 2005. Chris has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, is the editor of the Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice, and the lead investigator for the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study. He teaches in research methods and social psychology. Outside of work, Chris admits to being an avid reader of science fiction novels and a keen hiker.
Chris founded the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study (NZAVS) in 2009. The NZAVS is a nationally representative 20-year longitudinal study that assesses change and stability in the personality, social attitudes, values and health outcomes of roughly 20,000 New Zealanders each year. Running the study keeps him fairly busy.
Chris jointly leads the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study (NZAVS) with Dr. Danny Osborne, Dr. Fiona Kate Barlow and Dr. Joseph Bulbulia. Because the NZAVS is an annual survey that uses repeat respondents, it can track subtle changes in attitudes and values over time, and is becoming an important tool for numerous researchers around the globe. Chris' research focuses on understanding how people's connections with others around them interact with environmental and economic factors to cause change in personality, political attitudes, social values and psychological health over time. This is important because we currently know very little about how peoples’ opinions, values, personality and subjective wellbeing may change gradually over time, and perhaps also change rapidly in response to current events in society.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Close Relationships
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Gender Psychology
- Group Processes
- Intergroup Relations
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Political Psychology
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Research Methods, Assessment
- Social Cognition
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Internships and Assistantships:
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Video Gallery
Maori Identity
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11:33 Maori Identity
Length: 11:33
3:42 Vision for the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
Length: 3:42
14:25 New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
Length: 14:25
6:16 What Is the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study?
Length: 6:16
14:58 Driving Biases
Length: 14:58
:57 Māori Identity and Financial Attitudes Study
Length: :57
Other Files
Journal Articles:
Duckitt, J., & Sibley, C. G. (2010). Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation differentially moderate intergroup effects on prejudice. European Journal of Personality, 24, 583-601.
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Overall, N. C., Sibley, C. G., & Tan, R. (2011). The costs and benefits of sexism: Resistance to influence during relationship conflict. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 271-290.
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Sibley, C. G. (2011). The BIAS Treatment Scale (BIAS-TS): A measure of the subjective experience of active and passive harm and facilitation. Journal of Personality Assessment, 93, 300-315.
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Sibley, C. G., & Becker, J. C. (2012). On the nature of sexist ambivalence: Profiling ambivalent and univalent sexists. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(5), 589-601.
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Sibley, C. G., & Duckitt, J. (2010). The ideological legitimation of the status quo: Longitudinal tests of a social dominance model. Political Psychology, 31, 109-137.
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Sibley, C. G., & Duckitt, J. (2008). Personality and prejudice: A meta-analysis and theoretical review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 12, 248-279.
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Sibley, C. G., Duckitt, J., Bergh, R., Osborne, D., *Perry, R., Asbrock, F., Robertson, A., Armstrong, G., Wilson, M. S., & Barlow, F. K. (in press). A dual process model of attitudes toward immigration: Person x residential area effects in a national sample. Political Psychology.
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Sibley, C. G., Fischer, R., & Liu, J. H. (2005). Reliability and validity of the Revised Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR-R) self-report measure of adult romantic attachment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 1524-1536.
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Sibley, C. G., Harding, J. F., Perry, R., Asbrock, F., & Duckitt, J. (2010). Personality and prejudice: Extension to the HEXACO personality model. European Journal of Personality, 24, 515-534.
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Sibley, C. G., & Liu, J. H. (2010). Social dominance orientation: Testing a global individual difference perspective. Political Psychology, 31, 175-207.
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Sibley, C. G., & Liu, J. H. (2007). New Zealand = bicultural? Implicit and explicit associations between ethnicity and nationhood in the New Zealand context. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 1222-1243.
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Sibley, C. G., Liu, J. H., Duckitt, J., & Khan, S. S. (2008). Social representations of history and the legitimation of social inequality: The form and function of historical negation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 542-565.
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Sibley, C. G., & Overall, N. C. (2011). A dual-process motivational model of ambivalent sexism and gender differences in romantic partner preferences. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35, 303-317.
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Sibley, C. G., & Overall, N. C. (2008). The boundaries between attachment and personality: Localized versus generalized effects in daily social interaction. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1394-1407.
- Linked image: Chris Sibley
Sibley, C. G., & Overall, N. C. (2007). The boundaries between attachment and personality: Associations across three levels of the attachment network. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 960-967.
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Sibley, C. G., Overall, N. C., & Duckitt, J. (2007). When women become more hostilely sexist toward their gender: The system-justifying effect of benevolent sexism. Sex Roles, 57, 743-754.
- Linked image: Chris Sibley
Sibley, C. G., & Perry, R. (2010). An opposing process model of benevolent sexism. Sex Roles, 62, 438-452.
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Sibley, C. G., Robertson, A., & Wilson, M. S. (2006). Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism: Additive and interactive effects. Political Psychology, 27, 755-768.
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Sibley, C. G., Wilson, M. S., & Duckitt, J. (2007). Antecedents of men's hostile and benevolent sexism: The dual roles of Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 160-172.
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Sibley, C. G., Wilson, M. S., & Duckitt, J. (2007). Effects of dangerous and competitive worldviews on Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation over a five-month period. Political Psychology, 28, 357-371.
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Courses Taught:
- PSYCH 306 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYCH 311 - Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
- PSYCH 731 - Social Psychology and Intergroup Processes
Chris G. Sibley
School of Psychology
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
- Phone: +64 9 373 7599, ext. 88353
- Fax: +64 9 373 7450
- Skype Name: chris.sibley
- Email: c.sibley@auckland.ac.nz